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  • Writer's pictureSamson C.

An Olfactory Diary (Inspired by "Perfume")

Updated: May 4, 2019

1. Log at least 10 scents from your weekend. Write what you smell (how can you identify it? what are the characteristics?)








-Laundry detergent



2. Log WHERE and WHEN you captured the scent.

I was able to capture the smell of coffee when I was studying at Starbucks. When washing my clothes, the scent of Laundry detergent

came to my nose. While eating breakfast, I smelled the sense of bread and fruity lemon, as well as the woody fresh air from outdoors.

3. Identify if you have any memories about these smells (do they trigger specific memories?) OR the mood that they inspire.

The smell of laundry detergent trigger the memories of my mother teaching me how to wash my clothes from my childhood.

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